Building my Go Box

by WD0GPS When I first got my license, friends acknowledged that while it might be a nice hobby (for you old retired guys), the question always asked was – “but what is it good for”?  When I gave the standard EMCOM answer and got the standard “thats what cell phones are for” answer, I knew…

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Wilderness Protocol

A few weeks back on our R2D3 Weekly net our NCS question of the week from KE0RWC was “Do you practice the wilderness protocol?”. This prompted some discussion around monitoring frequencies and best practices. To aid in further education we have added some references to help. The ARES Calendar has been expanded to include the…

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Anytone Code Plug Zone Reference

This is to provide a quick reference to which channels are in which zones for the PCRC Anytone code plug maintained by W0DFU. We have had several users ask for a better way to visualize which channels are in which zone. This spreadsheet provides 2 tabs. The first is the zones on the horizontal axis…

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Anytone Radios with PCRC Code Plug

We have many users with Anytone HT’s that are using the code plug put together by W0DFU. With this code plug we have mapped certain radio functions to the customizable buttons on the radio. This has caused some confusion for a few folks who do not program their radios or interact with the code plug…

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Matchbox Endfed Antenna

I have been experimenting with a matchbox end fed antenna that I got from nelson_antennas on ebay. He makes them and sells them on ebay. Here’s a link to his page   I have had great luck with this little guy. I was able to hear Australia last night with a Yaesu 450 and a lazy…

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by Mike Kendall –KCØATI Secondary Type (Rechargeable) Lead Acid: Variety of capacities 1 to 500 Amp hours. Voltages 6 or 12 volts. Two major types: liquid filled or gel. The best type for use with ham equipment is the gel cells. There is less of a chance for a acid spill. These batteries like to…

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by Padre – WØWPD While I don’t hear kerchunking on our machine as often as I do on others for obvious reasons, it happens often enough for me to remind folks of the problem with it. It is sometimes illegal. Kerchunking is legal — as long as one gives his/her call sign. Doing so without…

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