This is to provide a quick reference to which channels are in which zones for the PCRC Anytone code plug maintained by W0DFU. We have had several users ask for a better way to visualize which channels are in which zone. This spreadsheet provides 2 tabs. The first is the zones on the horizontal axis with the channels on the vertical. The second tab is a complete list of all of the channels and their settings.

Note: This is a “Point in Time” view of the current code plug as of the date of this article. This is not the “most current” as this code plug changes often. But it should get the point across on the organization of channels by zone. This will be updated and timestamped periodically.

Remember, channels can exist in multiple zones. The zones are organizational buckets for channels.

You can view/download the spreadsheet here:

A preview of the spreadsheet is below.