by Padre – WØWPD While I don’t hear kerchunking on our machine as often as I do on others for obvious reasons, it happens often enough for me to remind folks of the problem with it. It is sometimes illegal. Kerchunking is legal — as long as one gives his/her call sign. Doing so without…

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Steve Finch – AIØW

Steve passed away in Florida where he had been living with his wife Sally for the past 3 years. Steve had been a member of PCRC and ARES D6, and was an active and strong supporter of ham radio all his life. He will be missed. Steve’s widow, Sally, has arranged a Memorial Service for…

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Dolores Hart – KBØEKH

Memorial services were held on Thursday, June 19th at 3:00 PM at Newcomers Funeral Home, 901 S. Sheridan Blvd., Lakewood, CO. (303-274-6065). From Don AAØBZ:When I was Jefferson County Red Cross Communications Director and a Communications Support team member with state RACES, I remember the many times we would call on Neal KØUEM (SK) for…

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FROM BRIAN’S E-MAIL OF AUGUST 3, 2013 Good Saturday everyone. Today Frank/WB4CIW, Jeff/KDØUHL and myself/NØVSA made a trip up to the 146.895 repeater site to do some long needed inspections and repairs. Thank you Jeff and Frank for your help. One of the big drivers for doing what we did was the “noise” we have…

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Cliff Walls – KAØECB

Clifford Elijah Walls, age 84, passed away Tuesday afternoon February 5, 2013 at Lutheran Hospital in Wheatridge, Colorado surrounded by family. Following a private family viewing at Aspen Mortuaries, friends were welcome to attend a public memorial service celebrating Cliff’s life held at Centerpoint Community Church in Arvada, Colorado on Saturday February 9 at 3:30…

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Susan Ryon Lambert – KA4FCD

Susan suddenly passed into the arms of The Lord on December 17, 2012. She was 66, and a resident of Como, Colorado. Susan and her husband Frank WB4CIW were founding members and officers of the Park County Radio Club in 1995. Susan also, along with Frank, was a member of the PCRC VE Team. Born…

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Patsy Raulerson – KCØIPB

Patsy was the wife of Dwain, KBØQBF and a PCRC member for many years. Several PCRC members attended the memorial services on Sept. 8.Patsy and Dwain were married on July 24, 1969 and celebrated their 43rd anniversary in 2012. She was first licensed in 2002 and only missed one question on her Technician License test.In…

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