CONTACT – The ISS contact was very succesful this morning with the exception of the You Tube live feed which did not work. We had about 9 minutes and the kids did a great job asking their questions. Thanks to al the voluteers and sponsors who made this happen. There will be a news story…

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2019 Winter Field Day

Winter Field Day was held on January 26th and 27th at KEØLTD’s QTH. Club members ABØRR, KEØLTD, WØDFU, KEØKOO and KBØUMU participated in the event. AJ White and her Deb, her mom visited on Saturday and AJ made a few CQ calls. Aj is one of Dan’s STEM class students and is studying to get…

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Make A Wish Trailblaze Challenge 2018

A big thank you to John Auer, Laurtia Summerton, Cheryl Berg, Steve Berg and Mike Borrego for supporting the inaugural Make A Wish Trailblaze Challenge Hike.  There were 65 hikers who raises over $215,000. PCRC plans to support next years hike tentatively scheduled for August 10 2018

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Matchbox Endfed Antenna

I have been experimenting with a matchbox end fed antenna that I got from nelson_antennas on ebay. He makes them and sells them on ebay. Here’s a link to his page https://www.ebay.com/usr/nelson_antennas   I have had great luck with this little guy. I was able to hear Australia last night with a Yaesu 450 and a lazy…

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FLUME ARTICLE Submitted by EC Dan Kern W0DFU July 2017

One of ham radio’s proudest traditions is public service. Right here in Park County the tradition continues, these communication resources are still available. Through out radio history, time after time in natural and man-made disasters when normal communications unavailable, hams are here to provide needed emergency communications to connect the impacted areas to the rest…

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