Building my Go Box

by WD0GPS When I first got my license, friends acknowledged that while it might be a nice hobby (for you old retired guys), the question always asked was – “but what is it good for”?  When I gave the standard EMCOM answer and got the standard “thats what cell phones are for” answer, I knew…

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Summer Field Day 2020

Saturday June 27th and Sunday the 28th, come join the Park County Radio Club in Fairplay for ‘Field Day’, where we will contact other Ham stations around the country and around the world. Bring your Go Box, and/or mobile rig, or just yourself. All guests are welcome to talk on the radios (no license required)…

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Wilderness Protocol

A few weeks back on our R2D3 Weekly net our NCS question of the week from KE0RWC was “Do you practice the wilderness protocol?”. This prompted some discussion around monitoring frequencies and best practices. To aid in further education we have added some references to help. The ARES Calendar has been expanded to include the…

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Radio Programing 101

Presentation by Mike Borrego ABØRR Below is the slide deck from the Radio Programing 101 class that the club hosts periodically. Stay tuned to the calendar for the next time this class will be held. Contents: Terminology CTSS – Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System Frequency Abbreviations Frequency VS Band Common Amateur Bands Simplex Semi Duplex…

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HAM Radio 201

Below is the slide deck from the HAM Radio 201 class that the club hosts periodically. Stay tuned to the calendar for the next time this class will be held. Primary Topics covered in this class are: What is dB Understanding Antennas VHF/UHF Propagation

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HAM Radio 101

So You got Your License, Now What? Below is the slide deck from the HAM Radio 101 class that the club hosts periodically. Stay tuned to the calendar for the next time this class will be held.

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