The Park County Radio Club, Inc. began on May 22, 1995, at a supper meeting of about a dozen folks from the South Park and Bailey areas interested in establishing a club with three purposes. E. R. “Padre” Bova, WØWPD, was elected first president and served two terms.
We wanted to further the hobby for ourselves and others, providing mutual aid, and technical assistance.
Second, with a number of individuals taking an interest in becoming licensed we wanted to establish a VE team to serve Park County, and obviate the need for travel to Denver metro for exams. On July 16, 1995 our first tests were administered with Jeanie Myers, KGØAO as liaison with the ARRL -VEC, by whom we were “chartered.”
Third, and most importantly, the need for an organized emergency communication response team was recognized. Padre accepted the appointment as EC for ARES District Six (currently DBA Colorado Region 2 District 3 (R2D3) Amateur Radio Emergency Service).
The Park County Board of County Commissioners presented the club with a certificate of recognition and appreciation for its “Y2K” preparedness.
The club has grown from that dozen on the first night to over forty at the present time. Members now live in Alma, Arvada, Aurora, Bailey, Como, Conifer, Denver, Dillon, Evergreen, Fairplay, Golden, Henderson, Pine Grove, Pine Junction, Shawnee, and even Oklahoma and Ohio.
In cooperation with Colorado District 2 Region 3 ARES we are working on installing an HF and VHF station at the Park County Communications Center in Fairplay, CO.
Members of the PCRC have also been involved in providing communications for many non-emergency situations, and currently provide communications support for the annual Bailey Hundo, and the Burro Races in Fairplay and Leadville.
(See articles elsewhere for more information and details about the club’s activities).