Patsy Raulerson – KCØIPB

Patsy was the wife of Dwain, KBØQBF and a PCRC member for many years. Several PCRC members attended the memorial services on Sept. 8.Patsy and Dwain were married on July 24, 1969 and celebrated their 43rd anniversary in 2012. She was first licensed in 2002 and only missed one question on her Technician License test.In…

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Jim Mavity, WØMAV

Jim got his license in the unusual April VE session in 2003, postponed from the usual March date due to the blizzard of 2003. He and his wife Pam, WØELF, were founding members of DSV – Disaster Support Volunteers, Inc., and were active in PCRC and ARES D6. Several PCRC members attended the celebration of…

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George Trujillo, KØEZX

George received his license in 2000 (KCØIPC), and upgraded to Extra in 2002 (KØEZX). He was a regular on the weather net and an active supporter of the burro races for many years. George had many interests, most important to him was the study and sharing of scripture. Other interests included fishing, gold panning, and…

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George Cowan, NØQJY

George was a long time member of the PCRC, and was always the first to renew his membership each year in May or early June. In the past he assisted with the Burro Races and the “100,” even before he earned his Ham ticket. He was also involved with many other civic causes and was…

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Neal Hart, KØUEM

Neal was born in Mendota, Illinois on May 5, 1924. He spent his childhood in Illinois. Neal married Dolores on September 29, 1943. They were married for 65 years. Their son, Steve, was born in 1950 and in 1951 they moved to Colorado.He enlisted in the Army-Air Force in July of 1941. He was a…

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Ted Cross, NØIAK

Ted was originally from Barrow-in-Furness, UK and had dual citizenship. He was living in Fort Collins and working at Hewlett-Packard when he passed away. Ted was active with the CRA’s repeater maintenance crew.

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Norm Clark, W9IUR

Norm was a member of the PCRC for ten years, and a member of the PCRC VE team since it’s inception in 1995. He was also involved in ARES and emergency communications over these years.

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James Tingle, KIØQI

James was a PCRC member and also Weather Net reporting station, and owned the Bayou Salado Trading Post in Hartsel with his wife Evelyn Whatley. Some remembrances of James Tingle KIØQI: Wes Wilson KØHBZ. James participated regularly on the Colorado Amateur Radio Weather Net, and based on the household livestock, he would frequently close with…

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