Make A Wish Trailblaze Challenge 2018

A big thank you to John Auer, Laurtia Summerton, Cheryl Berg, Steve Berg and Mike Borrego for supporting the inaugural Make A Wish Trailblaze Challenge Hike.  There were 65 hikers who raises over $215,000. PCRC plans to support next years hike tentatively scheduled for August 10 2018

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FROM BRIAN’S E-MAIL OF AUGUST 3, 2013 Good Saturday everyone. Today Frank/WB4CIW, Jeff/KDØUHL and myself/NØVSA made a trip up to the 146.895 repeater site to do some long needed inspections and repairs. Thank you Jeff and Frank for your help. One of the big drivers for doing what we did was the “noise” we have…

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