CONTACT – The ISS contact was very succesful this morning with the exception of the You Tube live feed which did not work. We had about 9 minutes and the kids did a great job asking their questions. Thanks to al the voluteers and sponsors who made this happen. There will be a news story…

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County ham radio club celebrates 20 years

Enthusiasts combine hobby and community service aspects of amateur radio Posted: Thursday, May 21, 2015 10:42 pm | Updated: 10:47 pm, Thu May 21, 2015. Walter L. Newton, Staff writer | 0 comments The Park County Radio Club Inc. celebrated 20 years of community service at its bimonthly meeting May 16. The club combines both…

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In Honor of Silent Keys

Aside from all the fun and satisfaction we hams have working with equipment, overcoming technical and propagation challenges, performing public service functions and making distant contacts, the real happiness that many of us have found in amateur radio comes from all the wonderful people we have had the privilege to meet, both face-to-face and on…

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Como’s Tom Van Orden – 70 years in Boy Scouting

Fairplay Flume (01-27-12) Influenced the lives of about 100 youth; two years with Fairplay cubs, but pack dissolved Laura Van Dusen, Correspondent Como-area resident Tom Van Orden, who started scouting in 1940 at age 12 in Midland Park, N.J., and who most recently was a committee member of the now- inactive Cub Scout Pack 0402…

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