Wilderness Protocol

A few weeks back on our R2D3 Weekly net our NCS question of the week from KE0RWC was “Do you practice the wilderness protocol?”. This prompted some discussion around monitoring frequencies and best practices. To aid in further education we have added some references to help. The ARES Calendar has been expanded to include the…

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Online Master Class

All, As promised, that online test for the Master Class License is now available… Just kidding. But seriously, with the current COVID 19 measures in place we are all scrambling to achieve online license testing. There has been a tremendous surge in interest in HAM Radio licenses and we are tying to find a way…

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ARES Go Bags

There’s been a lot of talk about Go Bags or Go Kits with the recent events in Fairplay. There were multiple highway closures during a recent snow storm that stranded a lot of commuters in Fairplay which heavily taxed local resources. Our ARES R2D3 Assistant Coordinator KE0KOO had done some followup research and dug up…

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FLUME ARTICLE Submitted by EC Dan Kern W0DFU July 2017

One of ham radio’s proudest traditions is public service. Right here in Park County the tradition continues, these communication resources are still available. Through out radio history, time after time in natural and man-made disasters when normal communications unavailable, hams are here to provide needed emergency communications to connect the impacted areas to the rest…

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Park County ARES Region 2 District 3 was activated for exercise Polar Express on 18 Oct 2014 at 0800, with two members, Frank/WB4CIW, and Daniel/NØBN. WB4CIW operated from his home and NØBN operated from his vehicle for the duration of the exercise. During the exercise Park County passed two ICS-213’s via WinMor, peer to peer,…

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National Response Framework (3/11/08)

The National Response Framework was approved 1/22/08, and will supercede the National Response Plan effective 3/22/08. There is a website for the National Response Framework at http://www.fema.gov/nrf/ which contains information regarding what has changed, as well as the core document, Annexes, Reference Information, and Training information. The new introductory training for the National Response Framework is IS-800.B National…

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Colorado ARES Organization

All: Section Emergency Coordinator Wes Wilson, KØHBZ and I have implemented changes to the Colorado ARES organization. We have noted these changes and issued a statement of operational philosophy.  If you have an interest in Colorado ARES, please read the message at http://www.k0rm.net/ARES.html 73, ARRL Colorado Section Section Manager: Jeff Ryan, K0RM

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