Saturday June 27th and Sunday the 28th, come join the Park County Radio Club in Fairplay for ‘Field Day’, where we will contact other Ham stations around the country and around the world. Bring your Go Box, and/or mobile rig, or just yourself. All guests are welcome to talk on the radios (no license required) and see how they are setup with different antennas in an ‘off grid’ setting. The event will be held at W0MIL’s QTH (Just south of Fairplay, on the east side of 285). We will email you directions with your RSVP. Great event for kids of all ages!

From the ARRL

Field Day is ham radio’s open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio’s science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

Field Day is always the fourth full weekend of June, beginning at 1800 UTC Saturday and running through 2059 UTC Sunday.


Photos can also be viewed in Google Photos with the following link:


Video courtesy of AB0RR

One Responses

  • Dutch Muetz

    I hope thePCRCs Field Day went very well? Over the past years I spent many hours at Field Day and really enjoyed them.

    73s. Dutch Muetz k0aws

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