From Sharon Heck NØDSV:
With a heavy heart, I must pass on the news that Jack Frank is no longer with us.
He experienced a stroke Friday evening and passed away overnight. He was a huge supporter of the HAM Radio and burro racing communities and he will definitely be missed. Speaking for myself, I probably would not have gotten into this hobby without his support and encouragement.
From Brian Thomas NØVSA:
I am saddened to learn of Jack’s passing last night.
Jack has been a very important part of the Ham Radio community, the scanner community, the V.E. team and more specifically the Park County Radio Club for many years.
Jack has been battling with serious medical issues for the past several years. Each battle Jack faced with a quiet dignity and fought on. This last battle proved to be too much. But I am sure that Jack faced it with his usual quiet dignity.
I am sure that many of you have memories of Jack. I would encourage you to feel free to post them here on the reflector and share them with everyone if you choose to.
I will miss you Jack. I will forever remember your long telephone critiques of the posting of the Agenda and the Minutes for you to put on the website. Many times I was aggravated but the lessons that you taught me have finally sunk in, for the most part. (For those of you that emailed with Jack frequently know that he loved to use little smiley faces.)
73’s Jack
Brian, NØVSA
From Ray Thompson WØIVB:
Will miss you Jack, looking forward to seeing you at the burro race in the sky. de Ray W0IVB
From Mason Lee KDØZTQ:
Jack had a positive impact on me and I was glad to know him for a short time. I grieve with all of you.
From Connie Krajcirik WØSNO:
It is with a heavy heart that I let you all know that Jack Frank, WØDSV, has passed. He was a great contributor to the HAM Radio community and the Burro Racing community and will be greatly missed.
73, Connie/WØSNO
From Steve Hart KØUEM:
The one comment I would like to say about Jack was I always looked forward to seeing him at check point 6 in the Leadville burro race. He always had words of encouragement and every year he would say “you just got a mile or so to go, keep it up Steve”. Going to miss him.
KØUEM/ Steve
From Don Kramer AAØBZ
My history in ham radio in the high country goes back many years including participating in the Burro races at most check stations when the races went over the pass one way one weekend and the other way on another and the original running of the Leadville 100. My family had a sites at the fishing resort located at the upper Twin Lakes where I spent some wonderful times with my two sons and the family. My uncle worked in the 30’s at the Climax mine. Boy did he have stories about weekends in Fairplay by going over the pass.
I purchased a RV campsite at the Campground Of The Rockies with my oldest son in 2005 and have since added 3 more (side by side) for a family summer vacation spot. Great HF site. 10000 ft. NO QRM. I have never been able to access the PCRC repeaters but did join the club to support Ham Radio in the County.
While playing around on GOOGLE I saw the PCRC Web Site and noticed the remarks by Jack about his APRS experiments with trackers on the Burros. We got together and I bought a Byonics AIO tracker and we added it to the effort. Had problems and he found out the battery packs could not stand the Burro Stride vibrations and disconnected. Also some mistakes in the software programming (Our error)
After Jack spent many hours, these problems were solved by his knowledge and ability to make things work They have performed well these last few years. I added two more trackers to the collection and two portable Digipeaters for his use ( he found a power short problem I missed.) Since then they have performed well. He was extremely DEDICATED to ham radio. This equipment is in storage now but is available for future use if needed for a qualified event if it is used in his memory.
Don Kramer AAØBZ