Memorial services were held on Thursday, June 19th at 3:00 PM at Newcomers Funeral Home, 901 S. Sheridan Blvd., Lakewood, CO. (303-274-6065).

From Don AAØBZ:
When I was Jefferson County Red Cross Communications Director and a Communications Support team member with state RACES, I remember the many times we would call on Neal KØUEM (SK) for his expertise in emergencies. He was always available and ready to go. We participated in every kind of call out from burro races to state wide disaster drills. Dolores was still working but supported us when she was available. Neal, my wife KBØDFT (SK) and I along with the Ten Eykes traveled with a Lieutenant from the Leadville Fire Dept in setting up the route and stations for the first Leadville 100 from Leadville over Hope Pass into Winfield. We did several races until commercial radio took over. There have been very few Husband and Wife teams that have served the hobby so well and they should be remembered. We did many burro races many years ago.

From Brian NØVSA:
I have two wonderful memories of Dolores.

The first is when I had just become a member of the PCRC and I think President of the Club and we were going to celebrate Padre’s birthday. Dolores had called me to discuss celebrating Padre’s birthday. I had no idea what a character she could be.

Dolores managed to convince me that Padre was going to be 100 years old on that birthday. At the time I didn’t realize what a jokester she was. Padre had to straighten me out and let me know that he was not quite 100 years old. Dolores got a good chuckle out of that!!

The second favorite memory I have of Dolores was during the first burro race that I worked in Fairplay. My wife Laurie and I were working Checkpoint #3. After several hours here comes Dolores in her car to check on Laurie and I. It was a hot day and Dolores had the A.C. on in her car. She came and sat down and started chatting and after about 1.5 hours I realized that her car was still running. When I asked her if she would like me to shut it off she didn’t believe me that the car was still running! She thought I was trying to get back at her for the 100 year old birthday joke.

Dolores Hart was a woman that was full of life and brought a lot of life to me and made me realize that I shouldn’t take life too seriously.

I have truly missed Dolores in my life and think about her quite often.

From Daniel NØBN:
I can’t immediately think of any particular specific interactions with Dolores but my memory is of how much I simply enjoyed her presence.

I enjoyed responding to her and Neal’s requests for help with the Burro Races whenever I could. She got me a “Get Your Ass Over The Pass” t-shirt when I asked for a special favor.

I enjoyed her tart and irreverent sense of humor when she routinely objected to something at club meetings, and her banter with Padre and others in the club. She loved Neal and missed him very much after his passing. It was my pleasure to visit her and Neal a few times when they were hospitalized, and near the end of Dolores’ life.

From Jack WØDSV:
Both Neal and Dolores Hart have been very instrumental in my learning about Ham radio and community service. They encouraged me from the time I first got licensed, and gently pushed me a bit from time to time to get more involved. They showed me what was involved in all aspects of the burro race support, and supported my idea of using APRS for tracking burros. They introduced me to HF radio, by letting me use their equipment to make contacts during the special event for the club’s 10th anniversary on 5/22/05. They also ‘pushed’ me into becoming a club officer in 2006 :-). After Neal’s passing in 2009, Dolores continued to assist Sharon and me to become better able to continue the burro race communications support. I owe a lot to Neal and Dolores! May they rest in peace.

From Padre WØWPD:
Grand Opera has had its Grande Dames over the years … outstanding Ladies of voice, quality and dedication.

The Park County Radio Club has had only one Grande Dame over the years — ever since its birth in 1995.

There is only one lady in the PCRC who qualifies, in my opinion, as Grande Dame of the PCRC: the late Dolores Hart, KBØEKH, who had been a member, along with her late husband Neal, KØUEM, since the beginning of the PCRC.

Both Dolores and Neal served as VEs from the beginning as well. Dolores didn’t ‘need’ to be elected to club office …she was present at nearly every meeting in her own quiet way promoting the club’s work and involvements. Well, I say “quiet,” except when votes were being taken on a motion. Almost invariably — for humor sake —she’d vote in the negative. Soon the presidents learned to look to Dolores for her perennial “NO” vote. Everyone laughed because we all knew it was for fun. We looked forward to it.

On the practical side we must mention her perennial willingness to accept responsibility for organizing and serving the food, decorating for the Christmas luncheons and other events. She had a wonderful way of enlisting others to come, bring food and enjoy the day. She worked at it.

While testimonials in many other cases often say, “we will miss ……” we now say: WE ALREADY MISS HER!