George was a long time member of the PCRC, and was always the first to renew his membership each year in May or early June. In the past he assisted with the Burro Races and the “100,” even before he earned his Ham ticket. He was also involved with many other civic causes and was well known and well liked.

“George Cowan, NØQJY was one of my first ham radio contacts. He lived in Leadville and I in Redhill Forest (south of Fairplay) and we used 2 meter simplex many times on just 5 watts. George always liked to see how little power it took getting over under or around Mosquito Pass, it always amazed me. George was a true night owl and I’ll miss our late night QSO’s on the 146.520 repeater as he called it. George was never far from the Leadville burro races. Judy and I will miss his frequent visits to our often remote check station. He also notified the Colorado Connection folks of any repeater problems up in the high country.
73 de Ray, WØIVB”