James was a PCRC member and also Weather Net reporting station, and owned the Bayou Salado Trading Post in Hartsel with his wife Evelyn Whatley.

Some remembrances of James Tingle KIØQI:

Wes Wilson KØHBZ. James participated regularly on the Colorado Amateur Radio Weather Net, and based on the household livestock, he would frequently close with “That’s it from the two dog ranch and cathouse in Hartsel. KIØQI” He really liked the “QI” part of his callsign — when he upgraded to Extra Class he spotted NØIQ as available and quickly applied for it — but he was disappointed when somebody beat him to it — obviously nothing could have been farther from the truth, however, as he was a very intelligent person and good businessman. I think perhaps James was born a century too late, as his heart was truly in love with the “old-west.” He wore his hair long, in the style of the mountain men or early settlers, pulled back in a pony tail at times. His Bayou-Salado Trading Post was unique in many ways, sporting upscale western-theme merchandise, tasteful artwork, quality western attire, antique furniture and old west artifacts — with an old “mercantile” atmosphere, including a coffee and ice cream counter. He was very civic-minded and had a lot to do with the establishment of the Hartsel Library and Community Center and remodeling of the historic buildings that housed them. He was a unique and wonderful friend who is already sorely missed.

Bernie KCØHEU and Mary Hopper:. James was a very brilliant man but at times would remind you of the proverbial “absent-minded professor”. He was quoted one time “I don’t become upset about the things I can’t remember but I really worry about the things I do!”. Some of his very close friends would at times refer to him as “ding-a-ling Tingle”. He was very interested in Ham Radio and that is how Bernie became interested. He encouraged Bernie to take the test and become a Ham Radio Operator. Everywhere we look in South Park, we are reminded of James. He will be sorely missed.

Jim Jennings W5EUT. I did not know James for that long a period, about a year. I can still see him coming out of his office when I came in the store greeting me with “Mr. Jennings!!” It was the way he said it, and it was the same every time. I will never forget that memory of him.

Judy KØWGN. Not many know but James was an excellent drummer and native american flute player. He could play a bongo drum, a native american drum and several others. Ray and I were able to hear him at our house one night … he was someone with many talents.

Ray WØIVB. One cold snowy day I found my 4X4 stuck in a 4 foot snow drift. Remembering that Hartsel had a tow truck I called James to get the number. James told me the owner had moved back to Texas and took his tow truck with him. I went out and began to shovel and about 20 minutes into the job James shows up with his Bronco. Within 30 minutes we had my Explorer free. James refused any reimbursement and went back to help his wife at the trading post. This is just typical of the kind of considerate person James was. I always considered him one of my best friends and hoped some day to return his kindness. I miss him very much.

Daniel NØBN. Going anywhere near Hartsel was always a good excuse to drop by the Bayou Salado Trading Post for a short visit. My favorite memory is eating a home cooked dinner with him and his beloved Evelyn at their home on March 18, 2001 and spending a cold but wonderful night in his teepee from which I operated QRP CW. My last memory of James was in reading one of his letters to the editor in The Fairplay Flume a few months ago and thinking (with a smile) AD$*n it James@! Whether I agreed with him or not, I knew he was sincere, well intentioned and took action on things rather than merely complaining. James is now a silent key but his signals still radiate through us all. Thanks, James.

One Responses

  • Dutch Muetz

    I had contact at one time or another with all of them. They really made the PCRC.

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