Welcome to the Park County Radio Club (PCRC) website. PCRC is a 501(c)(4) non-profit organization.

Park County is approximately 2,200 square miles located in Central Colorado. The geographic center of Colorado is located within Park County and includes the famous South Park and 4 of Colorado’s 14er mountains. 

PCRC maintains 3 mountain top repeaters that provides coverage in about 90% of Park county. Details on each repeater and coverage maps are on the repeaters page.

The club participates in various community events and activities and provides many training and fun activities for its members.  Please explore our other pages for more information and details.



Upcoming Events

HAM RADIO 201 – April 12th at 10:00 at Crow Hill Bible Church and online. Topics will include

  • What is dB
  • Understanding Antennas
  • VHF/UHF Propagation

The next license exam session will be at 12:30 on May 10thth at Crow Hill Bible Church, 75 Bulldogger Drive, Bailey, CO 80421. Pre-notification is required if you are planning to test. Please send an email to our testing contact (heck.n0dsv@gmail.com) to reserve your seat.

The next PCRC business meeting will be on May 10th at 14:00 in person at Crow Hill Bible Church, 75 Bulldogger Drive, Bailey CO 80421, and online.

Save the date Saturday May 31st for the Northfork 50/50

Details and signup are here NF 50/50

Links for the online sessions are in the Calendar below on the date of the meeting or activity. (NOTE – If you don’t see the link in the pop-up click on “more details”.)


All times are Mountain Time (Standard/Daylight)